Запрос на подачу предложений

Communication, Outreach & Constituency Building Consultants

GFA consulting group

Юридические и консультационные услуги | Услуги экспертов и специалистов
Крайний срок: 19/09/2023

Dear Consultants,

GFA consulting group, under the Civic Engagement for Development (CED) Project, implemented In line with the new Swiss Cooperation Programme for Central Asia 2022-2025, is seeking experienced and qualified consultants or consultancy firms to provide services in the area of Communication, Outreach & Constituency Building.

The objective of this request for proposals is to identify and engage consultants who can support six selected NGOs in Kyrgyzstan in developing and implementing effective communication strategies, enhancing their outreach efforts, and strengthening their capacity for constituency building.

Scope of Work:

The selected Communication, Outreach & Constituency Building Consultants will be responsible for the following key tasks:

  1. Communication Strategy Development: Collaborate with each of the six selected NGOs to assess their current communication practices, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop tailored communication strategies that align with their specific needs and goals.
  2. Capacity Building on Public Relations (PR) and Government Relations (GR): Conduct workshops and training sessions to enhance the NGOs’ capabilities in PR and GR, enabling them to engage effectively with relevant stakeholders.
  3. Digital Marketing and Social Media: Harness digital platforms for enhanced outreach, using social media and digital marketing to amplify NGO messages and expand their online presence.
  4. Content Creation and Storytelling: Develop compelling content and storytelling techniques that highlight the NGOs’ impact, engage stakeholders, and share success stories effectively.
  5. Localized Communication: Ensure inclusivity and engagement with local communities by incorporating communication in the Kyrgyz language.
  6. Integration of Capacity Needs Assessment: Utilize the findings and recommendations from the NGOs’ Capacity Needs Assessment, conducted as part of the CED project, to inform and tailor communication approaches and capacity-building initiatives.
  7. Mentorship and Support: Provide ongoing mentorship and support to the selected NGOs over a six-month period to ensure the successful implementation of the developed communication strategies.

Eligibility Criteria:

Interested consultants or consultancy firms should meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Proven experience in developing and implementing communication strategies, preferably for NGOs or civil society organizations.
  2. Demonstrated expertise in PR, GR, digital marketing, and social media.
  3. Strong track record in content creation, storytelling, and impact communication.
  4. Ability to integrate Capacity Needs Assessment findings into communication strategies.
  5. Prior experience in providing mentorship and support to organizations.


Proposal Submission:

Interested consultants or consulting firms should submit their proposals by September 20, 2023, to aigul.dogdurova@gfa-group.de.  Proposals should include:

  1. Technical Proposal: A detailed description of the approach, methodology, and work plan for the assignment, including how you intend to address each of the tasks outlined in the scope of work.
  2. Financial Proposal: A budget estimate that includes all costs associated with the consultancy, broken down by task or deliverable.
  3. CVs: Résumés or profiles of key team members who will be involved in the consultancy, highlighting relevant experience.
  4. References: Contact information for at least two organizations or clients for whom similar work has been conducted.
  5. Legal Documentation: Proof of registration and compliance with legal requirements in Kyrgyzstan for legal entities.


Proposal Submission: Aigul.Dogdurova@gfa-group.de


Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Technical Approach and Methodology – 30%
  2. Relevant Experience – 25%
  3. Qualifications of Key Team Members – 20%
  4. Cost Effectiveness – 15%
  5. Compliance with Eligibility Criteria – 10%


CED project reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the selection process and reject all proposals at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected consultants or firms.

We look forward to receiving your proposals and to potentially collaborating with you to strengthen civil society and promote democratic values in Kyrgyzstan.



Aigul Dogdurova

Expert on institutional strengthening and constituency building

Civic Engagement for Development project (CED)

GFA consulting group

Email: Aigul.Dogdurova@gfa-group.de

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