
Legal Consultant


Юридические и консультационные услуги | Услуги экспертов и специалистов
Крайний срок: 16/02/2024

Position: Legal Consultant
Type of Contract: Service Contract
Duration: FWA for 2 years (February 2024 – December 2025)
Location: Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Acted worldwide

For over 30 years, Acted has been going the last mile to save lives. Currently, Acted supports 20 million people across 43 countries in pursuit of its triple mandate as a humanitarian, environmental and development actor and in response to the triple planetary crisis.

Acted Kyrgyzstan

Acted has been operating in Kyrgyzstan since 1999, working to address the country’s main challenges by fostering opportunities for sustainable and inclusive development, especially for remote and marginalized communities. Over the years, Acted has built diverse sectoral expertise and used participatory approaches to build resilience across an array of sectors. As a result, Acted has long standing partnerships with communities, government agencies, civil society and international development partners. In line with Acted’s global “3Zero” Strategy: Zero Exclusion, Zero Poverty, Zero Carbon, Acted in Kyrgyzstan works on strengthening civil society and good governance, gender equality, green economy and sustainable development, natural resource management and climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, preparedness and emergency response.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

• To proceed with a needs assessment and gap identification in terms of complying with changing or newly introduced requirements of Tax Code, Labour Code and other relevant legislation in Kyrgyzstan;
• To support Acted Finance, Logistics, Admin and Transparency & Compliance and Security (FLATS) teams on requirements of Tax Code, Labour Code and other relevant legislation of Kyrgyzstan applied to Acted;
• To review current status of non-resident employees of Acted Kyrgyzstan;
• Consultation services on juridical and legal issues;
• Consultation services on reviewing labour & service contracts;
• Provide support and guidance in any legal or tax-related disputes or negotiations that may arise.

Qualification requirements:

The Consultant must have a professional qualification in the field of local legislation, for which they are ready to provide advice, experience of at least 3 (three) years in the position of legal specialist. The qualification is confirmed by the relevant documents on education, professional development, work experience is confirmed by a copy of the work record book, CVs of specialists, recommendations and feedback from customers, and other documents.


Description of services: Written legal advisory via e-mail
Expected Deliverables: Advisory on legal issues of Acted Kyrgyzstan via e-mail
Delivery deadline: February 2024 – December 2025


The Legal Consultant is required to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information, data and documents obtained during the duration of engagement.

Payment terms:

The Consultant will receive fee after signing the act of executive works signed by Country Director and Consultant and after providing invoice.

To ensure equal treatment of applicants, Acted cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility and selection of candidates. Acted has no obligation to provide clarifications on the selection process. Qualified persons with the required skills are invited to submit their applications (CV and financial offers) in Russian or English to shaten.toktogaziev@acted.org by February 16, 2024 with the subject line clearly indicating the position you are applying for.

Please note that only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Documents to be submitted:

–           CV

–           Financial offer (form is attached)

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