Запрос на выражение заинтересованности

Selection of Consulting Firm for Impact Assessment of Accelerate Prosperity

ОФ "Accelerate Prosperity"

Исследование | Опрос | Анализ | Проекты | Оценка Юридические и консультационные услуги | Услуги экспертов и специалистов
Крайний срок: 11/03/2024

Background and Context 

Accelerate Prosperity (AP) is an initiative of the AKDN in Central and South Asia, offering a formal structure to support and catalyze sustainable small and growing businesses and startups. Started in 2016 as a joint initiative of the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development’s 

Industrial Promotion Services (AKFED IPS), AP aims to inspire entrepreneurship, facilitate innovative business models, coach promising entrepreneurs, create networks and mentorship opportunities and accelerate business growth. 

Vision: An inclusive and prosperous society powered by entrepreneurs 

Mission: To inspire rising entrepreneurs in emerging regions to grow new markets, create sustainable employment, and strengthen communities 

Mandate: To facilitate the creation of sustainable and commercially viable Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs)

Project to be assessed: 

Accelerate Prosperity implements various projects across Central and South Asia from multiple donors. This study will focus on the Accelerating Women, Youth, and Green Entrepreneurs (AWYGE) project. AWYGE is 9-month project funded by FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) United Kingdom implemented by Aga Khan Foundation United Kingdom (AKF UK), Aga Khan Foundation, Kyrgyz Republic (AKF KGZ), Accelerate Prosperity in Kyrgyz Republic, Aga Khan Foundation, Tajikistan (AKF TJK) and Accelerate Prosperity, Tajikistan (AP TJK). Through this project, AP will undertake a comprehensive set of initiatives aimed at supporting start-ups and small and growing businesses (SGBs). Firstly, it aims to address gender inequality in women’s employment and business ownership, removing structural barriers and boosting economic output. Secondly, the project targets youth unemployment, by creating job opportunities for young people and improving economic activity. Lastly, it tackles climate change by promoting green solutions businesses, helping the countries mitigate and adapt to its effects. 

AP’s programmes comprise: 

  1. Business Incubation: Enable creative entrepreneurs to launch new startups, reach their first set of customers, and promote innovative services and products. Major activities under incubation are training and advisory, business modeling, customer development, marketing & sales, financial analysis and modeling pitch making and investor relations and negotiations.
  2. Business Acceleration: Enable SGBs to unlock growth, expand their client base and operations, and create employment. Major activities under this model are: Training and Advisory components including business modeling for growth, improving marketing and sales, financial analysis & modeling, investor relations and negotiations, and effective governance.
  3. Business Financing: Enable startups and SGBs graduating from incubation and acceleration programs to launch new operations, unlock growth, source external financing and investments.

Impact Assessment | Objectives and Scope 

The purpose of the impact assessment is to study the entrepreneurship initiatives of AP in Kyrgyz Republic over the period of July 2023 to December 2023, to gauge progress against the intended results and partnership KPIs, outline lessons learned from implementation of program activities.  The assessment will offer comprehensive insights into the completed initiative, providing feedback on its implementation process to enable refinement and adjustments for achieving AP’s higher-level results as soon as possible. Additionally, it will involve diverse stakeholders in the learning process to share valuable lessons learned from the project’s outcomes. The assessment will be guided by the Project PMF which will be provided after the selection of the firm.


  • Identify and describe the (un)intended outcomes generated through intervention in the following thematic areas: green solutions, women entrepreneurship and IT.
  • Assess project results and develop recommendations for AP on improving the impact of the technical assistance to targeted MSMEs in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Identify lessons learned and best practices related to the project context, actors engaged, strategies applied in the implementation, and changes observed.

Prepare a detailed report that captures significant changes experienced by the target MSMEs, benefiting organizations, the perceptions of these groups on the quality of services received, and the contribution played by the AP intervention in bringing these changes which will also be demonstrated by narrative case studies

Detailed Terms of Reference can be found in the attachments.

Consulting Firms Experience and Qualification  

The impact assessment is open to consulting firms only.  

The firms must meet the following criteria.  

  • Over 3-5 years’ experience in conducting Impact Assessments and Evaluations in Central Asia and specifically Kyrgyz Republic 
  •  Proven Experience in Assessing Entrepreneurship programs in Central Asia and specifically Kyrgyz Republic.  
  • Lead Subject Matter Expert with a postgraduate degree in business, research, or other relevant fields.  
  • Extensive conceptual and methodological skills and experience in quantitative and qualitative assessment, including evaluation designs, participatory and theory-based approaches, and quantitative and qualitative methods.  
  • Prior work experience in Central Asia with proven understanding of the entrepreneurship context in the region and specifically Kyrgyz Republic.  
  • Should have excellent facilitation, coordination, negotiation, and English writing skills especially report writing.  
  • Fluency in Kyrgyz, English and Russian languages.  

Selection Criteria 

The proposal will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Conceptual framework and methodology proposed in the proposal and responsiveness of the proposal to the ToRs  
  • Relevant professional experience of the consulting firm(s) demonstrated through CVs of the team. 
  • Organizational profile with 3-5 years or more of relevant experience  
  • Quality and relevance of sample evaluation reports (at least two reports from the last five years)  
  • Financial Quote 

Budget and Payment 

AP is open to discussing with the consulting firm the tasks that could be completed within the given budget. The payment schedule will be discussed individually with the selected firm.  

Proposal Submission 

  • 1. A detailed technical proposal with proposed methodology  
  • 2. A detailed budget  
  • 3. An updated copy of the lead consultant’s CV, including two references with contact details  
  • 4. Two examples of recently completed impact assessment reports. For questions regarding the assignment please reach out to Ulan Asekov at ulan.asekov@akdn.org. 

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