
Lead and line tracker services for the IT sector within the framework of the business accelerator Accelerate Prosperity

ОФ "Accelerate Prosperity"

Бизнес | Финансовые и банковские услуги | Страхование | Аудит Образование | Обучение | Тренинги | Семинары Юридические и консультационные услуги | Услуги экспертов и специалистов
Крайний срок: 17/05/2024

Title: Lead and line tracker services for IT sector acceleration (business experts, mentors, consultants)

Reporting: Country Director, Accelerate Prosperity Kyrgyzstan

Location: hybrid-mode of work

Work period: 20.05.2024 – 12.07.2024

About Accelerate Prosperity Organization:

Accelerate Prosperity (AP) is a new global initiative of the Aga Khan Development Organization (AKDN) in Central and South Asia to stimulate enterprises where economic opportunities remain scarce. AP’s mission is to achieve inclusive economic growth and empowerment, with a focus on youth and women in rural areas, by fostering sustainable small and growing businesses, and by encouraging entrepreneurship.


Accelerate Prosperity Community Foundation invites training and consulting firms to express their interest in providing lead and line tracking services during accelerator programs focused on the growth of selected small growing businesses with growth potential. Interested parties should provide information on their sufficient qualifications to provide these services.

Purpose of the assignment: Diagnosis, support and evaluation of the company’s performance during the acceleration process to ensure their growth and preparation for pitching (presentation) to defend the project before the Investment Advisory Committee.

Requirements for training and consulting companies:

  • Relevant hands-on experience working with SMEs for at least 5 years in business consultant and/or product manager positions;
  • Experience in developing and advising start-ups from scratch and/or experience in developing new products internally in IT, medical, education, agriculture, tourism, light, food and manufacturing industries is an advantage;
  • Strong knowledge of business value proposition, Customer Development model, HADI-cycles, unit economics, sales funnel mechanics;
  • High verbal and textual communication skills. Ability to build relationships with different types of people and the ability to structure information and explain complex things in clear language;
  • Familiarity with tracking methodology for business development is an advantage;
  • Entrepreneurial experience and experience with accelerators/incubators is an advantage.
  • At least 5 line trackers along with a lead tracker must be provided by the consulting company

Lead Tracker Responsibilities: 

  • Conduct regular consultation meetings with line trackers to provide feedback, advice and guidance on working with companies
  • Conduct weekly group tracking meetings with companies to track progress in the development of their projects
  • Conduct selection and monitoring of trackers and keep records of the number of hours trackers work.

Line Tracker Responsibilities: 

  • Conduct business diagnostics and create a roadmap to achieve the company’s acceleration goals;
  • Build the business goal setting process, prioritize and synchronize goals across departments and teams;
  • Focus the team to address key constraints to achieve goals;
  • Help projects quickly and efficiently test hypotheses and find points of multiple growth;
  • Help articulate business values and embed values in marketing – promotional texts, website content, newsletters, etc.;
  • Help build value-based sales – customer segmentation and preparation of scripts and materials;
  • Help identify and focus on the most in-demand and profitable products/services of the business, and optimize costs through effective resource allocation;
  • Find and eliminate bottlenecks in the sales funnel and identify other operational problems in the company’s operations;
  • Handle the incoming flow of feedback from the business side – from customers, sales managers, marketers, support specialists by repeatedly communicating and formulating the right questions;
  • Build a system to develop client relationships and increase client base;
  • Prepare the company for pitching (presentation) of the project before the Investment Advisory Committee, supporting in the development of the presentation and project proposal;
Services Traction meeting length, per hour Number of meetings Companies in 1 batch Total tracking hours
1 Line trackers (min 5 trackers) 1 8 25 200
2 Lead tracker 1.2 7 25 210

Work deadline:

  • Detailed work schedule and exact deadlines for tasks will be agreed individually with selected candidates. 

Expected time to work with companies within the accelerator program:

Lead Tracker:

  • Minimum 7 group traction meeting over 8 weeks and working with the accelerator participants 
  • Conducting a consultation meeting with line trackers 

Line Trackers:

  • 1 hour per week per company (minimum of 8 online meetings over 8 weeks)
  • Total of 4 – 5 companies per tracker.

Work Location:

  • Hybrid-mode (8 weeks).


Companies must provide regular reporting on the proposed AP templates, as well as provide other information that will be necessary for the success of the program.


Mandatory availability of authorization documents, insurance policy of the relevant period, or founding documents for LLCs (Certificate of Registration, Articles of Association, Resolution of the founders on the appointment of the director).

Proposals for expressions of interest, including an extended commercial proposal and financial proposal, tracker resumes, should be sent electronically marked “Tracker Services” to salkynai.emilbekova@akdn.org by 17:00 on May 17, 2024.

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