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Short Term Evaluation Consultant for IsDB-funded project: The Improvement of Electricity Supply in Bishkek and Osh Cities Project

Islamic Development Bank

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Крайний срок: 30/07/2023

Short Term Evaluation Consultancy Services for the Preparation of a Project Completion Report of the Islamic Development Bank funded project: The Improvement of Electricity Supply in Bishkek and Osh Cities Project

Invitation for Expression of Interest (IEOI) – Individual Consultant

Invitation for Expression of Interest (IEOI)

Notice Type: International Competitive Bidding [Open]

Issue Date: 17 July 2023

Last date of submission: 30 July 2023

Tender Type: Expression of Interest

Email: 2d341d08.isdb.org@emea.teams.ms


Date: 17/06/2023

Preparation of Project Completion Report (PCR) of the IsDB funded project: The Improvement of Electricity Supply in Bishkek and Osh Cities Project (KGZ0033) Kyrgyz Republic

1. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has approved an administrative budget for financing consulting services (the Services) for the above project.

2. The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Services are in Appendix A. The Services will be provided by an individual national consultant (the Consultant) who may be a self-employed professional or an employee of a consulting firm.

3. IsDB will select and engage the Consultant in accordance with the IsDB Corporate Procurement Policy (Policy). The consultant for the assignment will be engaged based on a Fixed Budget Selection method.

4. IsDB may cancel a procurement process prior to contract award without recourse or obligation to compensate vendors for the cost incurred in participating in such process.

5. IsDB now invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential applicants for consideration by IsDB in selecting qualified candidates.

6. The Consultant should complete the EOI Form in Appendix B and submit it along with his/her CV.

7. The full set of documents should be submitted through email to the following authorized IsDB representative, not later than 30/07/2023 (08:00 PM GMT):

Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed Ali

Email: IMohammed@isdb.org

Appendix A: Terms of Reference of the Assignment
Appendix B: EOI Form
Appendix C: IsDB Table of Contents of Project Completion Report (PCR)

Short Term Evaluation Consultancy Services for the Preparation of a Project Completion Report (PCR) of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) funded project The Improvement of Electricity Supply in Bishkek and Osh Cities Project (KGZ0033) Kyrgyz Republic

Project Background:

1. The NEG of Kyrgyzstan is established in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Electric Power Industry” and includes power transmission lines and substations with a voltage of 110 kV and higher. The technological basis for the functioning of the National Energy System of Kyrgyzstan is the NEG of Kyrgyzstan, which transfers electric power from power plants, distribution electric companies and large industrial consumers. The national energy system of Kyrgyzstan operates as part of the United Energy System of Central Asia, in parallel with the energy systems of other countries in the Central Asian region. Parallel work allows the National Energy System of Kyrgyzstan to maintain the optimal mode of operation of electrical networks, providing qualitative parameters of electrical energy. The NEG of Kyrgyzstan is established in accordance with the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Electric Power Industry” and includes power transmission lines and substations with a voltage of 110 kV and higher.

2. The primary objective of the project was to improve the reliability and quality of the electricity supply system in the two largest cities of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek and Osh, by upgrading the existing three substations – Kyzyl-Asker, Vostochnaya and Kara-Suu, As well as the construction of a 220 kV TL and installation of a line feeder at the substation “Ala-Archa”. The project “Improvement of the electricity supply to Bishkek and Osh cities” was aimed at meeting the growing demand for electricity at the present time it is necessary to modernize and reconstruct existing 220 and 110 kV substations with increasing transformer capacity.

3. The work on the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of electric grids included the following set of measures:

a. Replacement of obsolete and uneconomic equipment, the state of which does not meet modern technical requirements;
b. Improvement of network schemes, increase of reliability of electrical installations of electric networks and increase of capacity;
c. Introduction of technical means and measures to reduce the technological consumption of electricity for transmission;

d. The introduction of automated systems for commercial metering of electrical energy
e. (ASCMEE) at all cross-sections connecting the network with consumers, as well as at the borders of networks of different owners.

4. The subject project was approved by IsDB on 11/05/2011. The Loan Agreement of the project was signed on 13/09/2011 and became effective on 13/08/2012. The project was physically and financially completed in December 2019 and February 2021 (due to SPRP allocations to fightCOVID-19 Pandemic) respectively.

5. The project scope comprises of the following components:

A. Three Substations in Bishkek (Equipment and Civil Works)
B. One Substation in Osh (Equipment and Civil Works)
C. Transmission Line (Equipment and Civil Works)
D. Consultancy Services (Supervision)
E. Special Equipment
F. Project Management Unit (PMU)
G. Financial Audit
H. Contingencies

6. The project was implemented by the JSC National Electrical Grid of Kyrgyzstan who was the Executing Agency of the Project.

7. At the project completion, the IsDB is required to conduct an ex-post evaluation of the project, under a prescribed format and contents (Appendix C), to capture overall achievements and to compare it with its intended outputs and outcomes, as envisaged under the project. In addition, the PCR should identify the lessons learned and recommendations from the project implementation.

I. Description of the Assignment

a. Objectives

8. The Economic and Social Infrastructure Department (ESID) within IsDB, is seeking the services of an individual consultant—who may be self-employed professional or an employee of a consulting firm—to assist in the preparation of a PCR of the Improvement of Electricity Supply in Bishkek and Osh Cities Project (KGZ0033), Kyrgyz Republic. The services shall be performed within a period of three (3) months starting from 2nd week of Aug 2023, or any other period as may be subsequently agreed by both parties in writing.

b. Expected Outputs of the Consultant
9. The Consultant will prepare:

a. the PCR according to IsDB standards, guidelines, and procedures. The Consultant’s report of the assignment should be based on the IsDB standard template of PCR, which is attached in Appendix C.
b. a knowledge product (around 10 pages) based on specific lessons learned.
c. a short presentation highlighting key issues and lessons learned

c. Scope of the assignment
The scope of the assignment is as follows:

• Coordinate, collect and review all available Project documentation and related information from all development partners and key stakeholders involved in the project;
• Evaluate the processing and design of the project, both by IsDB and the Beneficiary Country (and, as applicable, co-financiers and other project partners);
• Assess the performance of the relevant executing agency (EA) and Beneficiary Country in managing and implementing the project, in complying with IsDB’s guidelines, policies, practices, procedures, and loan covenants, and evaluate project costs, disbursements, and institutional improvements;
• Assess the performance of consultants, contractors, and suppliers with respect to services, construction, supply, delivery, and installation;
• Review problems encountered during implementation and the effectiveness of measures to resolve them, by the EA, the Beneficiary Country (as applicable) and IsDB;
• Assess whether the EA, the Beneficiary Country and IsDB monitored progress effectively in comparison with quantifiable and monitoring targets;
• Re-evaluate the financial and economic performance of the project at its initial stage of operation and compare with the qualified indicators in the project log-frame and in project progress reports and, as applicable, the PIASR;
• Assess the project’s transition to operations, and identify any remedial measures needed;

• Assess future operation and maintenance schedules to ensure sustainability of the project;
• Recommend any other steps that the Beneficiary Country and EA need to take to ensure the project’s sustainable operation;
• Assess the performance of the monitoring and evaluation system established for the project and reexamine the indicators selected for monitoring operations and assessing development impact;
• Assess whether the procurement and disbursement plans have been carried out as originally framed and the reasons for any difference between planned and actual project achievements;

i. Assess, if applicable, the extent and effectiveness of implementation of project safeguard measures (e.g. environmental, social); and
ii. Assess whether the immediate development objective has been met and the likelihood of attaining long-term development impacts in terms of the planned and final project log-frame targets.

10. The project assessment should take into account the following four dimensions of Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness and Sustainability, by answering the following questions:

i). Relevance – Assess relevance of the project to the GoK and IsDB

– Was the project relevant to the identified needs and country’s strategy?
– Was the project relevant to the IsDB strategic priorities?
– Were the inputs and strategies identified, and were they realistic, appropriate and adequate to achieve the results?

ii). Effectiveness- Describe the management processes and their appropriateness in supporting delivery

– Was the project effective in delivering expected results (time and budget)?
– Was the project implemented according the schedule?
– How does the actual project implementation schedule compare with the initial schedule?
– What are the reasons for any deviations from the original schedule?
– What are the financial results of the project: the total cost, financing plan, and disbursements against the estimates made during the appraisal?

– How effective were the strategies and tools used in the implementation of the project?
– How effectively did the project respond to the need of the beneficiaries?

iii). Efficiency – of Project Implementation

– Do the deliveries of the project justify the costs incurred?
– Were the resources made available efficiently utilized?
– Did project activities overlap with and duplicate other similar interventions?
– Are there more efficient ways and means of delivering more and better results (outputs and outcomes) with the available resources?
– Could a different approach have produced better results?

iv). Sustainability- assess economic, environmental and social sustainability

– Does the project cause natural resources depletion in the long run?
– Were the local communities and stakeholders consulted during the project implementation?
– To what extent will the project revenues cover its O&M costs?
– Does the EA possess the technical capacity for the project operation?
– Did the project address the training needs for operation and maintenance?
– What is the likelihood of continuation and sustainability of the project outcomes and benefits after their completion?
– What are the key factors that will require attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of project outcomes and the potential for replication of the approach?

v). Lessons learned- what are the lessons learned: The recommendations should provide comprehensive proposals for future interventions by answering inter alia the following questions:

– What are the main lessons that have emerged?
– What are the recommendations for similar future interventions?
– What are the problems and obstacles encountered during the implementation of the project?
– How did the project financial management processes and procedures affect implementation?

– What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project implementation process?
– What are the future intervention strategies and issues?

d. Detailed tasks of the assignment
11. The tasks of the Consultant are as follows:

a. Coordinate the communication to and interface with the GoT, Co-financiers, EA and other key stakeholders.
b. Prepare a questionnaire for the stakeholders’ interviews of the project.
c. Initiate the required meetings, interviews, and visits to the project area for close communication with key stakeholders.
d. Prepare the draft-1 PCR. The draft report will be reviewed by the Bank together with the Consultant virtually.
e. Undertake a field visit: following the clearance of EA and IsDB, the Consultant proceeds with the field visit: (i) visit the site as per the scope of the project and expected outputs; (ii) hold thorough on-the-ground discussions with the stakeholders including the EA, Project Management Consultant, and end-beneficiaries; (iii) collect all necessary information concerning project implementation, outputs and outcomes; and (iv) collect photographs & videos of the project outputs and beneficiaries upon consent of the concerned parties.
f. If necessary, the IsDB team may join the field visits and the consultant should provide/contribute all the required support to facilitate the discussions with all the stakeholders.
g. The draft-2 PCR is a further elaboration and completion after the field visit of the Consultant and should point out and explain the eventual variations in terms of cost, implementation schedule, financing plan and stakeholders’ performance. On top of updating the information that is in the draft-1 PCR, it should include among other things: (i) evaluation of the performance of the executing agency, the Bank, the contractors, and the consultants based on available information; and (ii) lessons learnt along with the Consultant’s recommendation to the Bank and the Country concerning project implementation and sector interventions.
h. The final draft PCRs should be submitted to IsDB, and revised based on the field visits, feedback from IsDB.
i. Prepare a short presentation highlighting key issues and lessons learned
j. Prepare a knowledge product of 10 pages on specific lessons learned and relevant annexes, such as graphs, photos, videos and maps.
k. Prepare a short presentation highlighting key issues and lessons learned from the site visit (i.e. slide highlighting key issues and lessons learnt from the project summarizing the main findings of the exercise).

e. Deliverables:
12. The Consultant will produce the following major outputs:

a. An Inception Report detailing methodology and work plan.
b. Supporting documents including:
– Semi-structured interviews questionnaires
– List of interviewees
– Brief note summarizing the interviews
c. The first draft PCR as per the IsDB PCR standard format.
d. The Final PCR based on the feedback of the IsDB.
e. A knowledge product of 10 pages on specific lessons learned.
f. A short presentation highlighting key issues and lessons learned.

f. Time Frame of the Assignments:

a) The assignment shall be over three (3) months (Aug to Oct 2023), with a total duration of 31 working days, including 10 days for field visits.
b) The Energy Sector Team of ESID will supervise the Consultant. The Team will provide overarching supervision to the process and will provide feedback and guidance to achieve the goal and specific objectives of the consultancy.
c) All deliverables are expected to be finalized through rigorous consultative meetings and in-depth discussions with the IsDB Regional Hub of Almaty, EA, and other key stakeholders, at the national and provincial levels.

g. Qualification and Requirements:
13. The Consultant should have the following minimum qualifications and skills:

a. BSc degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, or relevant field in the energy sector or another related field in Economics, Environmental Engineering, etc.; MSc degree holder will get preference
b. Work experience in handling similar consultancy assignments in preparing at least 2 PCRs, in the context of developmental projects financed by Multilateral Development Banks;
c. Language skills: fluency in written and spoken English;
d. Knowledge of analytical and statistical tools.

h. Evaluation Criteria:
14. The consultant will be selected according to the Fixed Budget Method of selection. As such, the contract will be awarded to the highest-ranked technical proposal within the available budget. Financial proposals exceeding the budgetary limit shall not be considered. The following criteria will be used for evaluation of technical proposals (detailed criteria in Annex-1):

– General Qualifications 20 points
– Adequacy for the Assignment 60 points
– Experience in the Sector 20 points
– Total 100 points

i. Budget and Payment Schedule
15. PCR generally covers the cost of (a) Professional fee of proposed expert including his (i) review time (per day), (ii) mission time (per day), and (iii) report writing (per day); (b) air fare for a return trip of economy class; (c) per diem during the mission period (10 days); (d) international and local travel and transportation; (e) miscellaneous expenses including printing, communications and fax, internet, mails and any local taxes etc. The total estimated budget for this assignment is US$ 13,500 (including any local/international travel ticket and accommodation) , and the financial proposal shall not exceed this amount.

16. Payments are linked to deliverables as defined below:

a. First payment in the amount of 20% of the Contract Price upon receipt by the Bank, of the Inception Report detailing methodology and work plan;
b. Second progress payment in the amount of 30% of the Contract Price upon receipt and written acceptance of the first draft PCR by the Bank; and
c. Final payment in the amount of 50% of the Contract Price upon receipt and written acceptance of the Final Report and the knowledge product by the Bank.

17. The remuneration perceived by the Consultant includes all his/her costs and profits as well as any tax obligations that may be imposed on the Consultants.

j. Contract Administration:

– Client’s Input: the ESID team will provide access to all available documents (i.e. Bank’s standard template for Project Completion Report (PCR), Project Appraisal Document, PAD-RRP, Detailed Technical Documents, Project Progress Reports, Relevant Official Communications on the project, etc.). IsDB will also facilitate the assignment remotely by introducing the consultant to the EA, and providing any official support, which may be required. The Bank will equally provide support through its Field Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic.
– Logistics: The Consultant will work through IsDB HQ and coordinate with the EA to make necessary arrangements for the logistics of the field visit. The visit’s related expenses shall be borne by the Consultant.
– Confidentiality: The Consultant shall not, during the term of this Contract and within 3 years after its expiration, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the Services, this Contract or the IsDB’s business or operations without the prior written consent of the IsDB;

– Ownership of Material: Any studies, reports or other material, graphic, software or otherwise, prepared by the Consultant for the IsDB under this Contract shall belong to and remain the property of the IsDB.

k. PCR Format

The PCR shall also include all annexes and reference and will be shared upon contract signature.

l. Languages

The PCR(s) must be delivered in English Language in Word Format

m. Reporting Obligations
The Consultant undertakes to submit to IsDB the following:

a. Draft PCR within 21 days after the last day of the mission to the Country/(ies). The IsDB will review the draft report and provide the Consultant with its comments within 2 weeks after reception.
b. Brief report on the outcome of the Consultant PCR Mission capturing the events.
c. Preliminary Draft final Report after 7 days after receiving comments.
d. Submission of detailed presentation and knowledge product within 7 days after receiving IsDB comments
e. Final report within 2 weeks starting from receiving the IsDB comments on the
f. The Consultant shall submit original, colored copies of final reports in English

n. Contact for any Clarification

Shaharyar Jawaid
Senior ICT Specialist
Economic and Social Infrastructure Department
General Directorate for Global Practices & Partnerships (GPP)
Islamic Development Bank
P.O. Box 5925, Jeddah 21432, Saudi Arabia
Email: sjawaid@isdb.org

Please go to this link to access full information on the assignment:


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