

Филиал Фонда Ага-Хан в КР

Исследование | Опрос | Анализ | Проекты | Оценка
Крайний срок: 27/09/2023

AKF is seeking the services of a consulting firm (CF) to conduct mini surveys, studies, focus groups and verification calls of the Local Impact project beneficiaries in the Kyrgyz Republic. The surveys will be utilized to assess the project’s midterm progress and results as well as a cascade baseline and endline surveys for specific components of the project. The Local Impact project includes components covering entrepreneurship, employability, education, agriculture, and early childhood development sectors. The objective of this assignment is the implementation of a series of surveys for key components of the Local Impact project. The assessments are to be conducted in Osh, Naryn, Jalal-Abad, and Batken oblasts within the years 2023-2024.

For this assignment, CF shall be capable of undertaking data collection and analysis according to the Local Impact project requirements.


CF is supposed to focus on the following tasks:

  1. Preparing a survey work plan and data collection strategy for a face-to-face/telephone interview.
  2. Preparing survey material including interviewer’s manual, consent forms etc.
  3. Programming the study tools in the appropriate software when needed. The company must have enough tablets to undertake the survey.
  4. Providing instruction workshops for field staff (supervisors and interviewers) in consultation with AKF.
  5. Undertaking interviews in target locations according to the data collection plan agreed with AKF. Data collection is supposed to be supported by a data quality assurance strategy. Database of target respondents will be provided by AKF. CF’s input will be required for updating the list of respondents in cases of replacement of respondents.
  6. Undertaking data cleaning and providing a technical report to AKF based on the results of the completed data collection activities.
  7. Providing data collection supporting materials.
  8. Analyzing data and drafting a final report with key findings of surveys when needed.


The midterm assessment will cover around 2,000 beneficiaries of the previously completed projects/activities under the Local Impact project. The exact number of beneficiaries for each of the study assessments will be based on the project interventions schedule and will be provided by AKF separately for each survey.


AKF will be responsible for designing and translating the tools and managing the process of revision and approval of documents and materials according to the deliverables, and timeline indicated above. All required documents should be provided to AKF according to the agreed deadlines. AKF will also provide mentoring support to CF in assessment implementation.


Selection criteria

Track record:

  • Prior experience in design and undertaking baseline, midline, endline studies or impact evaluations on programs and projects focusing on socio-economic development, youth engagement and social accountability.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience conducting household surveys in social-economic development projects in Kyrgyzstan.

Delivery Approach: 

Technical competences in the relevant sectors:

  • Direct experience in managing at least five multi-province household surveys in rural areas of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  • Direct experience as a firm in conducting a comparable large scale (minimum 2,000 respondents) household or individual survey.

Key Personnel & Subject Matter Expertise: 

  • Availability of qualified key staff (an advanced university degree (master’s degree or higher) in social science: sociology, economics, statistics, international development, or any other related field (detailed review of the proposed personnel will be conducted at technical proposal review stage).
  • Proficiency of staff with using statistical software such as SPSS, Stata or R.

Cultural Compatibility:

  • Knowledge of the regional and institutional context in KR.
  • Experience with carrying out surveys financed by donor agencies in Kyrgyz Republic such as USAID, DFID, and other agencies.
  • Experience in conducting surveys in rural and remote areas of Kyrgyzstan.
  • Experience in conducting surveys among key formal and informal leaders, vulnerable or marginalized groups in the communities.


  • Previous client feedback.


As a result of the scoring, the top two short-listed CFs will be invited to present their Proposal.


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