End line research
International Alert
Annex 1
Terms of Reference
End line research (Consultant/Team of Consultants) of the “Living with Dignity” FCDO funded project
International Alert is a peacebuilding organisation, implementing programmes around the world to address conflict. Its mission is to build a more peaceful world by working with people directly affected by conflict to find peaceful solutions, shaping policies and practices to support peace, and collaborating with those striving for peace.
The consultant will implement formative research according to the Living in Dignity methodology. The project’s outcome is to collect in-depth, multi-disciplinary data on dynamics and drivers on SGBV in order to adapt the Living in Dignity SGBV-prevention methodology to different contexts in Kyrgyzstan. Project duration is July 2022 – March 2025.
Data on SGBV prevalence will be collected from the following areas:
• Target location 1: Outskirts of Osh city
• Target location 2: Chui province, Issyk Ata district
The data will be drafted into report of the effect of International Alert’s Living in Dignity SGBV-prevention methodology to Kyrgyzstan context
Qualification requirements
Obligatory requirements
• A graduate degree in the social sciences or another relevant field with the focus on research
Work Experience:
• Minimum of 8 years’ professional experience conducting research in the areas of prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, peacebuilding, development, humanitarian aid, or related fields;
• Clear demonstrable experience of having written both quantitative and qualitative research reports
• Clear, demonstrable experience of leading research teams
• Familiarity with conflict-prevention and peacebuilding approaches;
• Knowledge and usage of data analysis software
Fluency (written and spoken) Russian and Kyrgyz and English
• Proven analytical skills and strong knowledge and understanding of qualitative and quantitative research and data
• Good analytical, drafting and report-writing skills
• Cultural and political awareness and sensitivity, particularly in relation to the subject matter of the research
• Ability to perform a broad range of specialized activities aimed at supporting and guiding effective and efficient implementation of research
• A commitment to quality product and deadlines
Under the supervision of the Country Representative, Project Coordinator and day-to-day work with Researchers, the Lead Researcher will have oversight of qualitative and quantitative research team in Kyrgyzstan.
Activity 1: Pilot the study
The Lead Researcher will be responsible for leading the research pilot. The Field Researchers will pilot a study tool on a small number of individuals to determine whether the data collected is relevant and if there are questions that need to be revised before the actual field work. The piloting will identify not only which questions respondents did not comprehend, how to improve the ways questions are formulated. As results of the piloting if needed the consultant will address shortcomings and finalise study materials.
The Field Researchers under guidance of the Lead Researcher will pilot research tools on a small number of individuals in order to determine whether the data collected is relevant and if there are questions that need to be revised before the actual field work. The Field Researchers will be responsible to identify all shortcomings during the piloting and provide detailed feedback.
Activity 2: Oversee data collection and field study
Lead Researcher will:
• participate in interviews, FGDs and during debriefing sessions;
• closely monitor and ensure quality control during the data collection and document the progress on a regular basis by producing monitoring and quality control report;
• provide necessary feedback whether good mix of respondents was ensured, any major questions have not been asked, any perspective that was not addressed during discussions.
• The Field Researchers will outreach to local community members to recruit the potential participants; conduct interview and FGD in line with guides and protocols. Field researcher will provide audio recordings from interviews/FGDs (where appropriate, if the topic is too sensitive or the respondent requests no recording then replace recording with a notetaking) and field notes – transforming the collected data (summarising, cataloguing, ordering and reducing data in the analytical form as per the analytical plan and structure of the study)
Activity 3: Produce integrated end line qualitative and quantitative report on use of LwD methodology and SGBV drivers and prevalence
Report on end line research SGBV drivers and prevalence and result of the LwD methodology testing in Kyrgyzstan:
The study may focus on the overall effectiveness of the “Living with Dignity” methodology for pilot families and the factors that influence its implementation.
o How have the relationships between family members changed after learning the methodology of “Living in dignity”;
o Which of the acquired knowledge is applied in practice in the family: in relation to the spouse, children, parents, and other (including LOVZ) family members;
o How have family members changed their functional responsibilities for household work (cleaning the house, cooking, washing and ironing clothes, caring for children, elderly or sick family members, gardening, home security, driving a car for the family and even caring for pets, etc.) in connection with the creation of a project income-generating family activity.
o How much time (timing) does the daughter-in-law spend on income-generating activities, on household work, family, on herself personally (her health and training / capacity building, etc.). Assess the workload of the daughter-in-law in connection with involvement in income-generating activities.
o How does the organization of income-generating activities and the working conditions of the daughter-in-law affect family life /comfort, whether discomfort is created for parents, children and other relatives;
o Do the infrastructure (power, water, sewerage, accessibility to customers, lighting, ventilation, heat, air conditioning) conditions meet the standards for this type of activity;
o To what extent income-generating activities are legalized (patent, sole proprietor, employment contract, civil law agreement on the performance of services, etc.);
o Are there written agreements with partners, customers and clients on income-generating activities.
The report (no longer than 30 pages) with recommendations for further programming must be finalized by late January 2025 to be published online and disseminated (an example from a previous phase of Living in Dignity in Tajikistan can be found here). The Lead Researcher in coordination with the research teams in two countries will draft an analytical report and executive summary, based on the research findings. Also, he/she will respond to feedback on the first draft.[1]
Activity 4. Present findings
The Lead Researcher will attend briefings for various national and international audiences. The Lead Researcher will present the major findings, recommendations as well as provide overall information on its methodology and experiences during data collection and data analysis phase (where necessary crafting presentations and handouts).
Timeline of each activity
• Activity 1 – Methodology of the research Jan 2025
• Activity 2 – Data collection – Dec 2024 -Jan 2025
• Activity 3 – Data analysis & report writing – Jan. 2025
• Activity 4 – Dissemination (translation and design/layout of the final report and publishing) – Feb. 2025
[1] Note: International Alert reserves the right to edit and supplement final reports. In instances of such editing, consultant will be informed of the changes.
Please send the below documents before January 07, 2025, to Kyrgyzstan.procurement@international-alert.org
Proposed budget
Proposed methodology
Previous work
Alert Procurement Form in GBP