Final evaluation of “Inclusive Society for children with disabilities. Phase III” project (ICA-3 project)
Public Foundation "Fair and Sustainable Development Solutions" (FSDS)
Public Foundation Fair and Sustainable Development Solutions (FSDS) is a regional non–profit organization in Kyrgyzstan. The organization works for an inclusive society and fair economic development in the region, and includes five main areas: inclusive society, social entrepreneurship, rural development, tourism and food security.
In 2021, Public Foundation Fair and Sustainable Development Solutions (Kyrgyzstan), together with local partner NGOs “Hand in Hand”, “Ravenstvo”, “Kol-Taby” and “Information-consulting and Demonstration Center “Stimul” has started to implement a three-year project “Inclusive Society for children with disabilities. Phase III”, which aims to contributing to the development of a more inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan ensuring equal opportunities and respect of human rights for children and youth with disabilities.
As the project is coming to a close, FSDS plans to engage an expert(s) to conduct the final project evaluation.
About the assignment
The Evaluation goal: Identification and analysis of key ICA-3 project’s results at outcome and output levels and providing recommendations for FSDS on specific interventions that can be taken to improve future/similar projects.
The Evaluation objectives:
On the program level
- Revealing the influence of the project on the way to achieving the main goal of the project (positive and negative);
- Assessment of the level of achievement of outcomes and expected results of the project;
- Assessment of the quality and sustainability of project interventions towards achieving project outcomes;
- Evaluation of the carried out and planned activities in terms of technical and methodological approaches applied by the project and project partners;
- Whether additional measures / actions need to be undertaken with existing target groups to ensure sustainability and flexibility, taking into account the identified context
On the organizational level
- Assessment of the project management level of the project team for efficient project implementation;
- Providing results, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation, with the aim of incorporating lessons learned and recommendations for improvement – to improve the quality of project activities and improve results.
The evaluation will seek to visit the following areas: Batken, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Talas, Naryn, Issyk-Kul oblasts; Bishkek and Osh cities.
For more detailed information please see the Terms of Reference attached.
The evaluation is to be implemented by an independent evaluation expert or team of evaluation experts, with international experience in project evaluations.
The selected evaluation team/evaluation expert will possess the following minimum qualifications and skills:
- Post graduate degree in Development studies, Poverty reduction, community empowerment and/or related social science discipline.
- have proven knowledge and expertise in the areas of Central Asian context (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in particular), Inclusion/disability issues
- At least 10 years’ experience of conducting project/program evaluations, research/surveys.
- Excellent analytical, facilitation and report writing skills and be able to develop reports in English
- Extensive participatory evaluation methodology practice, appreciative enquiry methods, use of inclusion oriented assessment/ research methodologies, focus group interviews, etc.
- Familiarity with socio-economic trends in Kyrgyzstan and knowledge of local languages (Russian/Kyrgyz) will be an asset.
Content of the evaluation team/evaluation expert’s offer
Evaluation team/ expert that meet the qualification, skills and requirements mentioned above should submit expression of interest, which should include the following:
- Cover letter detailing the experts’ suitability for the assignment and current contact information
- CVs including detailed work experience, education; where more than one consultant will be involved clearly indicate the overall lead consultant and responsible persons & include CVs.
- Technical/specific proposal, including short explanation and justification of the methods to be deployed;
- Indicative budget (including consultancy fee, travelling cost and other associated cost)
All applications (in Russian or English) should be clearly marked as “Final Project Evaluation” in the subject line of the email and sent to FSDS by 23:00 p.m. on 10th January 2025 at the following address office@fsds.kg and cc to jamilya.smagulova@fsds.kg
Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
Only short listed candidates will be notified.