Acquisition of compliance and anti-money laundering solution
The “FINCA Bank” CJSC announces tender for acquisition of compliance and anti-money laundering solution. To participate in the tender, it is necessary to submit a package of documents in a sealed envelope/electronic folder, indicating the following:
to the following address: 93/2 Shopokov Street, Bishkek, no later than at 18:00, on August 12, 2024, or using the following link: link, the folder shall be protected by a password. The password shall be sent to the following e-mail address: kgtenderpass@finca.kg or delivered in a sealed envelope to the office of the Bank at the following address: 93/2 Shopokov Street, Bishkek, no later than at 18:00, on August 12, 2024, indicating the following data:
If you have any questions concerning the tender, please contact us by e- mail: zhyldyz.sultanbekova@finca.kg The Bank adheres to the principles of honesty and transparency of the tender process. If you have faced any facts of unreasonable rejection of bids or a request for remuneration for successful completion of the transaction, please contact us using the following channels: (312) 440 — 440 ( for mobile phones — 4400), www.fincabank.kg finca@finca.kg
The set of tender documents:
10. Feedback about the cooperation with the participant received from previous Buyers; 11. Other materials contributing (in the participant’s opinion) to his/her/its rating*.
* Note: the participants who have passed the preliminary selection will be requested to provide additional necessary documents, according to the internal procedures of the bank.
The criteria for evaluation of the participants:
Forms and Applications for the tender 1-3 (english version)
Non-disclosure agreement
VS03.1 RFP Compliance AML system
VS03.2 RFP-FS- Appendix A – Vendor Response Template
VS03.3 RFP-FS- Appendix B – Requirements
VS03.4 RFP – Appendix C – Total cost of ownership